Mugavero’s solutions for tropical crops such as mango and avocado

The cultivation of tropical crops such as mango and avocado in the Mediterranean area continues to arouse curiosity and interest. Both because the surfaces are constantly increasing, and because at these latitudes (sub-tropical belt) the tropical species have a more contained development than what they would have in the tropical belt. This has a very important advantage, as the vegetative-productive balance of the plant is more shifted towards fruit production. Factor, among other things, mainly due to the presence of mild winters that contain the vegetative development of the plant and promote blooms.

Considering that today for the cultivation of tropical crops, such as mango and avocado, the most suitable areas are the coastal ones with low-temperature range (because among the limiting factors of the growth of these essences there are certainly the thermal minima), the plant obviously must grow stronger in the first years, also because it is good practice to eliminate the attached fruits when the plant is small. And since in autumn it is important to prepare the plant for the cold of winter and promote its natural plant defences, Mugavero takes the field with Statia and Tocuzin to protect the cultivation of tropical crops.

Cultivation of tropical crops, such as mangoes and avocados

statia, pomodoroGoing into the details of the solutions for the cultivation of tropical crops, Statia is a “zero residue” liquid formulation composed exclusively of readily assimilable nutrients, ideal for promoting the thickening of the leaf plate and promoting the healing of younger tissues. Equipped with a high penetration capacity, it can be applied regularly throughout the vegetative-productive cycle of the plant, helping to keep the plant healthy and contain the number of active ingredients used in defence strategies.

Administered by root, it remains in the root zone for about 20 days, Tocuzin, on the other hand, is a fluid organic mixture of Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn) with a low pH reaction for foliar and soil applications: the microelements, thanks to the low molecular weight of the organic complex are assimilated by plant tissues within a few hours both by leaves and roots.

This allows you to plan foliar interventions with serenity even in the presence of unstable weather. And, in addition to having a nutritional action, it also has a stimulating action on the vegetation. On tropical essences, often sensitive to zinc deficiency, we suggest four treatments of Tocuzin in foliar application from the post-flowering phase to veraison at the label doses. Use also in post-harvest reduces, in addition to spring infections, the autumnal Anthracnose infections on the shoots and gives the plant an intense green colour of the vegetation.

The plant treated with Tocuzin acquires an intense green colour in a short time and induces on it, after some time, a very important progressive vegetative vigour to cope with periods of thermal stress. It is an effective inducer of resistance against various plant diseases by carrying out a secondary disinfectant action of the lymphatic vessels of the crop, fungicidal and bactericidal.

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